Client Alert:

Comprehensive Legislative Changes in Turkiye’s Transportation

Comprehensive Legislative Changes in Turkiye’s Transportation

The “Law on the Amendments to the Turkish Civil Aviation Law, Certain Laws and the Presidential Decree No. 655” (the “Law”) came into force on 9th of July. This Law introduces numerous new regulations in the field of transportation.

I. Amendments to the Law of Ports

  • The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (the “Ministry”) is authorized to set minimum and maximum limits on fees for services provided to vessels at ports, docks, and coastal facilities.
  •  The Ministry has the authority to determine and supervise pilotage and tug boat services fees within its areas of jurisdiction, waterways, and inland waters. These services are carried out by the Ministry or companies authorized by the Ministry with a focus on public interest and safety.
  • Pilotage and tug boat services in the Istanbul and Canakkale Straits are provided exclusively by the Directorate General of Coastal Safety. Private entities cannot be authorized or employed for these services.

II. Amendments to the Turkish International Ship Registry Law

  • No registry fee will be charged for alterations to registration s of joint stock, limited liability companies, and cooperatives due to mergers, divisions, and changes to the company type of. In the event transfer of shares in a vessel, registry fees will be charged proportionally to the transferred shares.
  • No registry fee will be charged for vessels and yachts that do not use fossil fuels, except LPG, as their main propulsion system.

III. Amendments to the Decree Law No. 655 on Regulations Related to Transportation and Infrastructure

The allocation of funds for research and development activities will include financial support for technologies in the railway and maritime sectors.

IV. Amendments to the Turkish Civil Aviation Law

  •  The Directorate General of Civil Aviation has the authority to inspect all natural and legal persons conducting civil aviation activities domestically and internationally.
  • Security checks of passengers and cargo at airports and on aircrafts may be conducted by private security personnel under the supervision of law enforcement officers, including carrying out a search on a person when necessary.
  • Regulations have been established for the import, sale, licensing, registration, flight permits, and air traffic services of unmanned aerial vehicles.

This Law brings numerous new regulations in the field of transportation. The details of these amendments will be inspected thoroughly by the lawyers of ErsoyBilgehan, and presented to the attention of the readers imminently.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this matter.


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