01 November 2013
Parliament Eases on Permit Requirement for Foreign Seamen Working on Board Turkish Flag Vessels:
Foreign seamen who are nationals of countries with whom Turkey has bilateral agreements pursuant to the Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (“STCW”) are entitled to serve on board Turkish flag vessels by mere endorsement of their seamen books.
01 October 2013
Privatization of the Turkish National Lottery Is Once More on the Agenda:
The Turkish Privatisation Administration is planning to (re)start the privatisation process for the National Lottery in the last quarter of 2013.
The Central Registry Agency Has Announced That It Will Start to Provide Services Regarding the Mandatory Company Websites:
The Central Registry Agency Inc. (“CRA”) has recently issued a letter (“General Letter”) on September 25, 2013 regarding support services to be provided by CRA which is a Central Database Service Provider (“MTHS’’) certified by the Ministry of Customs and Commerce.
When Is an Expert Report Not Necessary If Receivables Are Contributed to Companys Capital?:
The capital of a company can be paid in two ways, first by cash injection and second, by contribution in kind, that is any contribution which is permitted by law and not in cash.
Employment: New Precedent Affecting Corporates With Global Offices:
In a labour dispute, the Court of Appeal recently rendered a judgment which is expected to receive heavy criticism from foreign investors and international groups that have offices in Turkey.
01 September 2013
Changes to the Recent Regulation on Company Websites:
Our readers will recall our Client Alert of June this year titled “Companies Must Now be Online According to The New Website Regulation” commenting on the new requirement for companies to create their own websites brought about by the Regulation on Company Websites (the “Regulation’’) adopted by The Ministry of Customs and Trade (“Ministry).
New Law on Payment & Security Reconciliation Systems, Payment Services and Electronic Money Organisations:
The Law on Payment and Security Reconciliation Systems, Payment Services and Electronic Money Organisations numbered 6493 (the “Law”) has entered into force as of 27 June 2013, upon its publication in the Official Gazette numbered 28690.
New Communique on Security Investment Companies:
The Communiqué on Principles Regarding Security Investment Companies (“Communiqué”) has been published in the Official Gazette dated August 29, 2013 and numbered 28750, replacing the former Communiqué dated August 5, 2011 and numbered 28016 (“Repelled Communiqué”).
01 August 2013
Land Registry Records in Turkey Will Henceforth Be Kept Under an Electronic Environment:
The new Land Registry Communiqué (“Communiqué”) has been issued by virtue of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated July 22, 2013. The Communiqué was issued in the Official Gazette dated August 17, 2013 and introduced a new concept to the Turkish legislation namely Land Registry and Cadaster Information System (“TAKBIS”).
Appointment of Independent Auditors for Corporations Which Are Not Subject to Independent Audit:
The General Directorate of Domestic Trade (“General Directorate”) has recently issued a circular with respect to the Law on Amendments to the Customs Law and Other Laws and Statutory Decrees (“Law”) dated April 11, 2013 and numbered 6455.
corporate, regulation, finance, petroleum, arbitration, e-commerce, railway, advance dividends, istanbul, foreign awards, energy, national markers, natural resources, letter of guarantee, interim dividends
February 2025
January 2025
Client Alert: Occupational Health and Safety Obligations Take Force: Are You Prepared?
Client Alert: Constitutional Court Ruling on Court Fees in the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
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